RANKED: The 10 Greatest Wrestlers of the 90s

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WWF vs WCW. The NWO. D-Generation X.

There’s no dispute the 90s were the greatest era of professional wrestling.

But who was the greatest?

Let’s start by eliminating everyone who did not make the top 10 and throwing them over the ropes of this Royal Rumble.

Thank you, and you’re eliminated to Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Jericho, Lex Luger, Ken Shamrock, Rey Mysterio, the British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Kevin Nash, Triple H, Mr. Perfect, Kane, Edge, Raven, X-Pac, Booker T, Goldberg, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, the Ultimate Warrior, and The Giant.

On to the top 10.

10. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan changed the game by finally becoming one of the bad guys - Hollywood Hogan. Hogan’s move to form the NWO got so big it drew Dennis Rodman and Karl Malone into the squared circle.

And man oh man were the fans pissed when he did it.

Why is Hulk only at 10 then? This is the greatest wrestlers of the 90s, and as much as Hulk brought amazing energy out of the fans, at this point of the game nobody thought Hogan was the greatest wrestler.

The rest of the guys on this list were electric.

9. Macho Man Randy Savage

The Macho Man was exactly that - a true savage in the ring.

He also had legendary skills on the mic.

Check this out - the Macho Man was dared backstage to cut a promo using coffee creamer, AND HE NAILED IT.

Macho Man later cut a rap album, and no joke, this track is a banger.

8. Mankind

Mankind, or Cactus Jack, or Dude Love, whatever you want to call the man named Mick Foley, was HARDCORE.

Mankind getting thrown off the top of the cell against the Undertaker was insane. Watch!

7. Bret Hart

“The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!”

“The Hitman” Bret Hart may not be the greatest of the 90s, but he damn sure was underrated.

In this classic match against the British Bulldog, Bret Hart showed off all the skills.

6. Shawn Michaels

It would probably kill Bret Hart to see it, but the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is one notch above him on our list.

Michaels started D-Generation X, he could wrestle like crazy, and he also loved to backstab people with “sweet chin music.”

A legend.

5. The Rock

Surprise! The Rock is only fifth on the list, jabroni! Know your role, and shut your mouth!

The Rock was another superb wrestler with legendary mic skills.

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Me7QUEvMaY

4. Sting

But Sting was an absolute sensation.

Sting for over a year didn’t even need to talk! The heat he built fighting the NWO was insane.

Whether he was dropping from the rafters, or just showing up and DROPPING THE BAT, Sting put on an amazing show.

3. Scott Hall

The most underrated wrestler of all time.

Where did The Rock learn his swagger? Where did Sting get his gimmick? Where did the NWO pick up all that heat?

From the legendary Razor Ramon, aka Scott Hall.

First of all, Scott Hall was a brilliant wrestler.

Hall also had that machismo, that swagger that translated across the TV screen.

Chicas? They are for fun.

And oh yeah, he’s also the best storyteller of his era to boot.

2. Undertaker

The entrance. The choke slam. The rivalries.

Undertaker was the top of the ticket in the WWF for years, and he earned his spot.

This match against Shawn Michaels shows his gift for storytelling in the ring.

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin


There’s no question Austin was the greatest.

From fighting with Vince MacMahon to giving the Stone Cold Stunner to every other wrestler on the roster, the Rattlesnake was the most electric wrestler of the decade.

And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so.

P.S. Grab a new t-shirt from The Daily Dropout!
