George Foreman Ranked the Greatest Heavyweight Boxers of All Time

George Foreman has long been celebrated as a champion heavyweight boxer.

His fight with Muhammad Ali for the heavyweight crown was known as the legendary Rumble in the Jungle.

Now Foreman has released his list of the greatest heavyweights of all time.

Foreman has some of boxing’s early champions at the top of his list, including Joe Louis, John L. Sullivan, and Jack Johnson.

Some critics thought Foreman was taking shots at Ali for having him fifth on the list. Foreman said otherwise.

Another critic mentioned the exclusion of Larry Holmes, another great heavyweight. No boxers active in the last 10 years made Foreman’s list. And Foreman himself didn’t make his own list!

Foreman also had some advice for how he prepared to box.

“I’ve seen guys doing many miles of running and can’t make it 3 rounds in the ring,” said Foreman. “Running is good, but not the Key.”

Foreman also listed winning an Olympic gold medal as his career highlight.

Foreman’s list will be disputed and discussed, but his presentation was first class.

An entertaining debate started by the former world’s champion!

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