HBO is Developing a Harry Potter TV Show, Will it Be As Raunchy as Their Other Shows?


Seven books and eight movies wasn’t enough?

Well, you’re in luck, because Harry Potter might be coming to HBO soon.

Wait a minute, it’s more like 10 books at this point, right?

Anyway, a Harry Potter live-action TV series is reported to be in early development at HBO Max. The suits at HBO are talking with several potential writers about ideas to bring the franchise that still dominates Barnes & Noble to television.

Since it’s HBO, you can expert wizards having sex upside down if this actually happens.

“Dicko enlongo!” a wizard will scream to grow his ‘magic wand’ before the inevitable wizard sex scenes on HBO.

Here’s the one issue for HBO: author J.K. Rowling controls rights to her creation, and has say in whatever could happen to it.

Hard to imagine Rowling saying no to another $50 million or whatever this deal might bring, but she is already one of the richest women in the world, and an HBO series could damage her Harry Potter royalties long term, so who knows.

Stay tuned to whether Rowling says “Avada Kedavra” and kills this deal.

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