This Cop Paid For a Family's Christmas Groceries Instead of Arresting Them for Shoplifting

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Police Officer Matt Lima was called to a Stop & Shop grocery store in Somerset, Massachusetts on December 20.

Store security said two women didn't scan everything that they put in their bags at a self-checkout register. The women had two small children with them.

Officer Lima took one of the women aside to discuss what happened. Store employees kept the kids occupied, so they wouldn't know what was going on.

"The woman I talked to, she explained she was working, but the mother of the children was not working and had some other family issues going on and that what she had taken was Christmas dinner for the kids,” said Lima.

Lima has two daughters himself, and was struck by the situation.

“Obviously, this family was in need and I can't imagine having to make the decision to go to Stop & Shop and just only pay for what I can afford -- or do I go there and try to take things for Christmas dinner for the kids?" said Lima.

He served them with a notice not to trespass, but did not press charges, and bought the women a $250 gift card so they could buy their groceries somewhere else.

This is what serve and protect really looks like.

God bless Officer Lima!

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