US Troops Drink Capital City’s Entire Beer Supply in One Weekend


You might have thought this headline was about the troops in D.C.

But this actually happened back in 2018 in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

More than 6,000 soldiers were in Reykjavik for a four day military exercise led by NATO. After the drills, the troops visited the city’s downtown bars, and DRANK THE ENTIRE BEER SUPPLY IN THE CITY.

The brewery Ölgerð Egils Skallagrímssonar had to send emergency cases of beer to the bars.

Bar owners said that, OF COURSE, they had never experienced a similar situation before.

American soldiers came into port on Wednesday night and by the time they left Sunday, they had drank all the beer Iceland could serve them.

Clearly this was revenge for Iceland’s hockey team disrespecting the Mighty Ducks in D2: The Mighty Ducks.

Don’t mess with America y’all! Even in fictional teen hockey movies.

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