Mark Cuban Praises GameStop Traders and Ja Rule is BIG MAD At Robinhood

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Last week The Daily Dropout told you about the Reddit users starting a trading war by buying up GameStop stock.

When we last wrote about this story, GameStop was at $65.

It’s now at $325.

Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban praised the people trading GameStop, saying he loves what’s going on with the WallStreetBets subreddit that started all this, and said even his 11-year-old made money on this action.

Elon Musk got in on the action too!

Meanwhile, the rapper Ja Rule was not happy with what’s going on after the app Robinhood only allowed people to sell GameStop stock for a while, and not buy any.

Which brings this whole situation to ultimate meme status.

“I want some answers that Ja Rule might not have right now!” said Dave Chappelle in a famous bit from over a decade ago.

Will GameStop and AMC and the other stocks being pumped by redditors keep going up from here?

Who knows!

One thing for certain is the memes are undefeated.

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The Daily Dropout