Oklahoma Wide Receiver Picks a Fight in a Campus Bar and Almost Loses His Eye

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University of Oklahoma wide receiver Spencer Jones is “lucky he didn’t lose the eye altogether,” after starting a fight at Campus Corner bar.

Dr. Perry Brooks performed a four-hour operation in which he rebuilt Jones’ left orbital socket.

“Dr. Brooks came out of that surgery saying he’s extraordinarily lucky at this point, that he’s lucky he didn’t lose the eye altogether,” said Jones’s attorney Woody Glass. “And so he was able to do some things surgically to rebuild that orbital socket and thinks everything is eventually going to come back to normal, but it’s going to take a while for him to fully recover.”

Here’s the video of the fight.

Jones is clearly seen stepping up to and pushing a smaller young man with an already bloody lip.

“Get the f*ck out of here,” said Jones on video.

What happened before the video starts in unclear at the moment, but it looks like Jones started the fight, and the guy he pushed finished it.

There has been no report of any arrests in connection with the fight, but Jones has hired an attorney and is reported to be considering suing the guy that beat him up.

Hard to pass judgment on what’s going on here, but it looks like Jones started a fight and paid the price.

Don’t get into street fights men! There really are no winners.

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