Colleges With Awesome Study Abroad Programs
University of Dallas
Study abroad in Rome, Italy
The University of Dallas is a small private Catholic university located in Irving, Texas. It owns a 12 acre campus called the Eugene Constantin Campus that rests in the gorgeous foothills just off the Via Appia, one hour southeast of Rome. Students can study there for six weeks during the summer or one whole semester. They can earn up to 17 credits during their stay. 92% of undergraduates at UD participate in the program.
Guilford College
Study abroad in Germany, Italy, Spain, Ghana and India
Located in Greensboro, North Carolina, Guiford College is a small liberal arts school famous for their Brunnenburg Semester. 14 lucky students get to live and study in a castle for a semester in Italy. Built in the 13th century, the castle is near the Italian Alps. It has vineyards and a working farm. Here the students study sustainable living with focus on food systems.
University of Evansville
Study abroad in England, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Costa Rica and China
In Evansville, Indiana, the University of Evansville is a very small, liberal arts, United Methodist-affiliated college. With the cost of studying abroad already in it’s tuition costs, the university sends its students all over the world. Its most well known program is located on its Harlaxton College in Grantham, England. The school owns a campus with a 100-room Victorian manor house in the countryside, one hour south of London.
Emory & Henry College
Study abroad in Ireland, Africa, Central America, South America, Poland and the Czech Republic
Located in Emory, Virginia, Emory & Henry College is a tiny, private, liberal arts school with a 11-1 student to faculty ratio. The college awards financial aid to 99% percent of their students to study abroad. With several locations to choose from, the students can go for just a summer or a whole year in a foreign country. For example, the Emory & Henry College Semester in Dublin invites students to study Irish culture and heritage while taking classes at Dublin City University. They also help the students find a job, around 10-15 hours a week in a community organization or business.
West Virginia University
Study abroad in Fiji, Chile, and New Zealand
Founded in 1867, West Virginia University is a public university located in Morgantown, West Virginia. Around 1,000 students each year from this college go to study abroad. These international trips can be as little as 10 days to one full semester. They currently offer “adventure trips” during spring break to places like New Zealand, Chile and Fiji. Students can earn up to 12 credits, learning subjects like sustainable tourism and practicing outdoor living.
Georgetown University
Study abroad in Qatar, Italy
In our nation’s capital in Washington DC there is Jesuit college known as Georgetown University. It is a leading private research university, as well as the nation’s oldest Catholic higher-learning institution. Here students can participate in more than 200 programs in 50 different countries. The majority of them are for a full semester but they do offer summer trips and even full academic years. Georgetown University owns and operates a satellite campus in Doha, Qatar. The University also has land in Fiesole, Italy known as Villa Le Balze. Students studying abroad learn subjects like nursing, business and language.